Generally speaking, copyright is the right granted to creators and owners of their work, which can be in the form of literature, music and art craft, such as books, songs, paintings, etc.

After completion of the work, copyright is attached to that work. There is no need to register copyright in Hong Kong for it to be legally protected. In fact, Hong Kong does not have any official registry for the registration of copyright.

Basically copyright would start at the time of completing the work and last until 50 years after the death of the creator. However, this basic principle would vary from one category of work to another.

The first owner of copyright is the creator. If the creator is an employee, the first owner will be the employer, unless otherwise agreed.

There is not any procedure to get copyright protection in Hong Kong. Even if the creator first publishes his/her work in other parts of the world, his/her work also enjoys protection in Hong Kong.

Generally speaking, parallel imported copyright works are genuine copies that are originally made and destined for a market outside Hong Kong, but are subsequently imported into Hong Kong without the consent of the copyright owner.

No. Under the Copyright Ordinance, the aforementioned conduct will not attract any civil or criminal responsibility.

No. The restriction regarding parallel imported computer software is completely abolished from 2003 onwards. Now the importation and use of parallel imported computer software is not restricted.

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(852) 3157 0065