Trademark Registration and Protection

  • Trademark
  • Trademark is any sign in the form of writing and drawing which can distinguish the goods and services of one company from those of other companies. Registered trademark refers to a trademark approved by the trademark registry. Trademark registration is conducted according to the international goods and services classification system: Nice Classification which begins with a filled-in form submitted to the trademark registry. Of course, applicants can also seek assistance from experienced lawyers.
  • Territorial Protection
  • Once a trademark is registered, the applicant then owns the exclusive right of that trademark, protected by the law. Any company or individual, without the approval of the applicant, using the registered trademark would be deemed infringing the applicant's intellectual property. The owner can initiate legal proceedings to stop the infringing activities and even seek damages for financial loss.
  • Trademark right is strictly territorial, which means that registered trademarks are only legally protected in the country or city where they are registered. If your trademark is registered with national trademark registry outside Hong Kong, Your trademark would not be protected in Hong Kong. In order to secure your trademark, you must register your trademark under the protection in Hong Kong Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap. 559).
  • Application for Trademark Application
  • Trademark registration can be divided into 4 stages::
  • 1Preliminary examination2Substantive examination3Publication4Issuance of trademark registration certificate

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