Importance of Trademark Registration

Feb 2019
Trademarks are everywhere in our daily lives, but like most of the things, we may not be familiar with the meanings behind them. Many trademarks on the market are registered for use, but some of the unregistered trademarks are harmful to long-term development of enterprises.
Some typical cases are set out as follows:
1. 嘀嘀 VS 滴滴: Didi (滴滴出行) is a popular ride-sharing company in China. It used to be named嘀嘀打车, but changed its name after it was sued by the applicant of the嘀嘀 trademark.
2. 西柚VS美柚: 美柚 is an application widely used by Chinese girls. It was originally named 西柚, taken from the pronunciation of “See You”. It was renamed 美柚 (from the pronunciation of “Meet You”) after it was sued by the applicant of the 西柚 trademark. Their early publicity work was wasted and a huge cost was induced.
3. 偶像来了 (Up Idol): China's Trademark Law adopts the principle of applying for precedence. Because of delay for five days, the "Up Idol" trademark applied by Hunan Television was rejected in Class 41.
These living examples prove that trademark is very important for a brand. It may be attacked if you do not pay enough caution.
Many people realize the importance of a brand, but ignore the importance of the trademark. If the brand is the soul of the company, then the trademark is the body of the enterprise. It plays a pivotal role in the development of the enterprise.
Trademark role 1: Pass in the market
Trademark is the essence of the corporate brand culture, and the establishment of corporate brand image is the core of enterprise development.
In some countries or regions, products must be registered for local trademarks before it can enter into local supermarkets and shops.
Enterprises generally need to show trademark registration certificates when printing labels, packaging or advertising on various media. In international trade, trademarks are extremely important. International trade is inseparable from trademarks.
Administrative departments supervise the quality of goods and services through the management of trademarks, and create necessary conditions for quality inspection, health inspection and bar code.
Trademark role 2: flag in a business war
A battle flag symbolizes the spirit to fight and represents the soul of a troop. After taking down a place, the troop puts up their own flag to represent their status of occupation. Trademarks are the symbol of this spirit in enterprises. They are a direct expression of company’s place in a particular field of goods and services.
Trademark role 3: assets
The evaluation value of the trademark can increase the total assets of the enterprise. The brand with higher value reflects the influence of the trademark and the operation of the enterprise, which indirectly reflects public acceptance of the goods.
As an intangible asset, a trademark can realize its value through transfer, licensing to others, or pledge.
Trademark role 4: the identification code in the eyes of consumers
Goods and services are subject to inspection and supervision, they also participate in market competition, which is the competition of various performance indicators such as product variety, quality and price. Such information is transmitted to consumers through trademarks. Trademarks can be used to promote goods and services, they impress consumers by being concise, catchy, and easy to remember. They also aim to attract the desire to "buy as soon as possible", and achieve the effect of creating famous brands and expanding sales.
Trademark role 5: the carrier of corporate reputation
Trademarks are not only a sign that distinguishes the source of goods and services, but also a symbol of credibility and competitiveness of a company. The specific expression of a company's reputation is the satisfaction of the goods indicated by the trademark. The trademark is the best indicator of the reputation of the goods, services and the company's reputation. Trademark reputation is of paramount importance in market competition. A reputable trademark plays an important role in improving the competitiveness of commodities and opening up the market for goods.
The trademark should move faster than the market. A brand must be protected by law before it goes out to the world.

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