Document preparation for Chinese trademark application


Jun 2020
Before applying for a trademark registration, the applicant should prepare the required documents. To apply for a Chinese trademark, the documents to be prepared are as follows:
1. "Trademark Registration Application form";
2. Clear trademark drawings;
3. The class numbers and the names of the designated goods or services;
4. A copy of Business License.
1. The 2nd and 3rd items above are separative listed here because they are important information required for the "Trademark Registration Application”.
2. The 1st and 4th items should be affixed with an official seal. For electronic application, the 1st item does not need to be affixed with the official seal, the applicant just need to fill in the relevant information online.
3. If an agency is entrusted to handle the application, the applicant needs to submit a "Trademark Agency Power of Attorney", which should be sealed. If the applicant is from a foreign country or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the form of power of attorney should be in both Chinese and English.
4. Note that in a trademark application, if more than 10 items of goods or services are involved, an additional official fee will be charged for each additional item.
The above are the requirements to apply for a Chinese trademark. Each country has different requirements and it is advisable to consult a professional prior to filing application.

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