Preparation for trademark application


Jun 2020
Normally, there are two ways to register a trademark:
1. An applicant applies for trademark registration on his own
2. Entrust a state-recognized professional agency to handle trademark registration
Time required and steps of the registration process of each application process are slightly different. Normally, it is recommended to entrust an agency to handle the trademark application due to its higher efficiency. The agency is more familiar with the procedures of application for trademark registration, so that it can help clients to avoid refusal of trademark application.
The registration materials required depend on the capacity of the applicant:
1. A completed "Trademark Registration Application Form";
2. If the applicant is a natural purpose: A copy of his identity document and a sealed copy of the license of the privately or individually-owned business;
3. If the applicant is a corporate: a sealed copy of the business license of the company
4. If the trademark aims to protect the colour of its text or graphic, a coloured sample must also be provided;
5. Confirmed category of goods or service to which the trademark to be registered belongs. Reference can be made to the relevant regulations issued by the Trademark Office and the “International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration”.
In the process of applying for trademark registration, the trademark application may be refused usually on following circumstances:
1. The trademark is not distinctive
The trademark has no distinctiveness; or the trademark is exaggerated; or the wording and graphics of the trademark are deceptive, immoral, or have adverse effects etc.
2. The trademark to be registered is the identical or similar to prior registered trademarks Where two trademarks are similar in terms of word style, pronunciation, meaning, graphics, composition and overall structure, three-dimensional shape, and colour combination, which are likely to cause misunderstanding or confusion among the public, they are generally regarded as similar trademarks thus rejected.
3. Pay attention to the evaluation items
Whether the trademark is sufficiently clear for the public to distinguish the trademark holder’s goods or services from other merchants’.
Whether the trademarks distinguish goods and services from others.
Whether the trademark consists of common language and terms of the industry.
Whether the trademark is the identical or similar to other trademarks.

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