Trademarks can be Strong or Weak


Sep 2020
There is no good or bad when it comes to brands, but a brand can be either strong or weak. When a brand projects the products, symbol, and strengths of the business into the minds of customers, the projections may be magnified or diminished, affecting the clarity or vagueness of customer’s impression towards the brand. This distinguishes a strong brand from a weak one.
A strong brand must appeal to its customers. It brings customers happiness, trust and satisfaction. This makes brand affinity crucial. Customers who have strong feelings towards a brand usually feel attracted to the meaning it entails. A brand’s image, culture, personality and symbol draw customers into liking the brand. While strong brands are usually visible, a visible brand is not necessarily a strong one.
Weak trademarks refer to trademarks which are new to the market; which have low customer recognition and awareness; or which customers are familiar with, but are relatively weak or are weakening in terms of their competitiveness and how influential they are in the market. Nowadays, with fierce competition among different brands, businesses will have no future if they fail to establish a brand or a strong brand.
To strengthen itself, a brand must carry out professional management; only through continuous cultivation, promotion and planning can a brand become stronger. We must take the role of a brand seriously – spread its message cautiously, look into its image in detail and adopt expansion strategies prudently. We must also showcase its superiority through product quality and performance. We must adopt the best pricing, positioning and placement strategies, and stop evading from our competitors. Only through regulating and strengthening its foundation could a brand grow in terms of power.
A brand and its trademark are often one and the same. Only under protection of the law could a brand exist healthily. Many famous brands have registered their trademarks worldwide, laying down the legal foundation for them to boom and flourish globally. The law grants strong brands with exclusive power which prevents others from infringing its rights at will.

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