What are the benefits of copyright registration in China?

Feb 2021
Because people lack of knowledge on the copyrights, many people will ignore the registration of copyrights when applying for the registration of trademarks. When a trademark dispute arises, they will regret it. Copyright is a specific form of intellectual property. When a work is created, the creator is the owner of the copyrights. A copyright is protected by the law regardless of registration or not. However, the protection results of registration and non-registration are different, so why register the copyright? What are the benefits of copyright registration?
Copyright is an automatic right that arises from the moment a work is created. Once a work is created, in most cases, the creator will automatically enjoy copyright protection in China. Voluntary registration for your copyright is available in China. Though your work is automatically protected by copyright the moment it is created, voluntary registration will provide proof of ownership, which can save you time and money in case of a dispute arises later on.
The commercial value of copyright has become increasingly prominent, and there are more and more disputes in the field of copyright. It can be said that the role of copyright registration has become increasingly prominent. When a copyright is infringed, the owner of the copyright must provide evidences that he/she is the copyright owner and enjoys the copyright. It is difficult for the copyright owner to prove that he is the creator of the work or the successor of the rights, especially when it takes a long time to design the work, or it is commissioned to other(s), or it is a service work. It would be more difficult to locate the original evidences which can determine the copyright ownership in such situations.
The voluntary copyright registration system is set up to resolve the above-mentioned problems. The creator should register the copyright after the creation of the work is completed. The certificate of the copyright registration is prima facie evidence which is recognized by the court. The copyright certificate greatly reduces the burden of proof on the owner of the copyright.
What are the benefits of copyright registration?
1. In copyright transactions, such as copyright transferring and licensing, the registration of copyright can effectively guarantee the transaction.
2. By copyright registration, the copyright registration certificate shows the ownership of the works and the certificate is a symbol of the reputation and popularity for enterprises or individuals.
3. When copyright disputes occur, it is a powerful weapon for claiming rights. As a preliminary proof of copyright ownership, the court can accept the record on the copyright registration certificate, which greatly reduces the difficulty of proof on the owner of the copyright.
4. In copyright mortgage, it is an important material for registration of the mortgage, and it is also an important document to evaluate copyright value.
5. As a proof of copyrights, it is usually a prerequisite for copyright owners to initiate anti-piracy actions.
6. The copyright owner can get subsidies from the local government.
Is it necessary for the copyright registration?
Of course, the copyright registration is the guarantee of your ownership of the work. Even if copyright registration is obtained, it does not mean that others will not infringe your copyright. But with the copyright registration certificate, it will be easier to enforce your copyright.
It is necessary to register your copyright. After the copyright registration is granted, it is equivalent to have exclusive rights in the market. Without the permission of the copyright owner, no one can transfer or sell your work. The copyright registration is conducive to spread your work and increase its economic value.
The main purpose of copyright registration is to protect your copyrights. Hope the above information is helpful to you. If you have any enquiries on the copyright registration, please feel free to contact BKIP.
Contact Information: Guangzhou Jiang Bingtao Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. Tel: 13392872661; 02028306827

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