How to use the R symbol for a registered trademark

Jun 2021
How to use the R symbol for a registered trademark
After receiving the "Trademark Registration Certificate", many clients are not clear about how to use the trademark. In view of the current market of trademark usage, trademark disputes still take place frequently. We must use it wisely as we crave for this Certificate with so much efforts. Hence, how to use it effectively?
Firstly, R is the abbreviation of "REGISTER" in English. When it is used in trademarks, it indicates a registered trademark. With a circle ®, it is the symbol of "registered trademark". In practice, the ® mark is usually used in the upper or bottom right corner of the trademark, as shown below. Early registration symbols in China would place the trademark in the middle, with Chinese words“注册商标”in four corners, or mark the word "注" in the upper or bottom right corner.
In summary, after the trademark registration is approved and issued, the registrant should use it properly and continuously, in a bid to maximize its value. It is sincerely hoped that you can digest the information above, and earnestly protect your trademark rights.

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