Opposition to U.S. Trademark Application
Sep 2018
If someone is trying to register in the U.S. your trademark or something similar to it?
There are statutory steps to be taken to oppose that trademark application. Timing is important! The best time to oppose a trademark is during the period when it is published for opposition. Once the registration is granted, the trademark can only be canceled.
How a U.S. trademark opposition is commenced
Upon approval of the USPTO, trademark applications are published for opposition in the weekly USPTO Trademark Gazette. Once the USPTO publishes an application for opposition, a potential Opponent would initially have thirty (30) days within which to file a Notice of Opposition, or a request to extend the time to file a Notice of Opposition. A potential Opponent may file additional extension requests, and up to the maximum of 180 days of the date the mark was published in the Official Gazette for filing an opposition.
Typical steps in U.S. trademark opposition

  • A notice of opposition must be filed to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (“TTAB”) within (30) days, or the extension of time granted, of the publication
  • The next step in the proceedings is for the Applicant to file an Answer to the opposition
  • Subsequent to an answer having been filed by the Applicant, the proceedings would proceed to Discovery stage
  • Discovery Stage refers to the U.S. opposition procedure whereby the parties disclose and exchange to each other the evidence that the parties intend to rely on in the opposition proceeding
  • After the close of the Discovery Stage, the proceedings would enter the Hearing Stage, whereas the Opponent has to prepare and file its main trial brief
  • Thereafter, the Applicant then has to prepare and file its trial brief and the Opponent then has to prepare and file its reply trial brief afterwards
  • Subsequent to filing of Opponent’s reply trial brief, if either party files a request for an oral argument, the TTAB will schedule a hearing. If neither party requests a hearing, the opposition is decided on the evidence and testimony made of record during the trial phase in the absence of a physical hearing
  • In conclusion, the TTAB would render its decision at the end.

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