Macau Trademark Opposition Procedures

Nov 2018
How a Macau trademark opposition is commenced
Upon receiving a trademark registration application, the Macao Economic Services Bureau will conduct a formal review within one month to check whether the application form and supporting documents meet the statutory requirements and classifications of products and services. If the application is in order, the notification of the application will be published in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR. Any person may file an objection within 2 months after the announcement in the Gazette of the Macao SAR.
Typical steps in Macau trademark opposition
  • A Notice of Opposition with the Opposition Grounds of opposition must be filed within two months of the publication in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR.
  • After the opposition is admitted, the Applicant will file response to the complaint within 1 month after receipt of the Notice of Opposition with the Opposition Grounds.
  • Thereafter, the Economic Services Bureau will conduct a review and then study the application and consider the parties’ allegations to check whether they meet the registration requirements of the Macau Industrial Property Code. In addition, the Economic Services Bureau will search trademark records to see if any of the same or similar trademarks have been registered by others or have been applied for the related or similar goods or services, and then prepare an examination report.
  • If the application meets the registration requirements of the Macau Industrial Property Code, the application will enter the registration stage. The Macau Economic Services Bureau will publish a registration notice in the government gazette of the Macao SAR. If the application does not comply with the registration requirements of the Macau Industrial Property Code, the Macau Economic Services Bureau will publish a notice of refusal to register in the official gazette of the Macao SAR.
  • An applicant may lodge an appeal to the Court of First Instance against the decision, within 1 month from the date of publication of notice of registration / refusal in the Official Gazette of the Macao SAR.
The following is a brief diagram illustrating the typical steps in Macau trademark opposition for further reference.
Macau Trade Mark Application: Opposition Procedure

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