Intellectual Property Licensing

Apr 2019
Intellectual property licensing commences when an owner of Intellectual Property (licensor) confers upon another person (licensee) permission to use the licensor’s Intellectual Property (IP).
This permission is normally recorded in a contract which sets out the licensed rights.
IP Licensing Agreement
An intellectual property license agreement occurs between an intellectual property right holder (“licensor”) and a person authorized to use the right (“licensee”) in exchange for the monetary value in the form of fees or royalties. Both parties negotiate the terms and conditions, and the outcome depends on both parties' bargaining power. The licensor is normally the owner of the licensed intellectual property, and a license can cover patents and design rights, related know-how and trademarks. The agreement between the parties may allow the licensor to use the licensee's production capacity and relevant local expertise to increase the licensor's overall knowledge.
Benefits of IP Licensing
Intellectual property licensing can provide companies with the ability to bring products or services to market or geographic areas in a relatively short period of time, allowing risk sharing, revenue generation, market penetration, cost reduction, access to expertise, and competitive advantage, collaboration and reduction of capital investment requirements.
Market Trend and Growth Areas of IP (Trademark) licensing
 Booming China Market
 Growing Theme Park Business
 Co-branding & Crossover
New Forms of IPs
 Digital IPs
 Game & Content IPs
 Art & Cultural IPs

公司資料, 地址

BKIP Limited

(852) 3157 0065