“正官庄” (Cheong-Kwan-Jang) having been acknowledged as a well-known trademark in China

Jan 2021
“正官庄” (Cheong-Kwan-Jang) a brand of KOREA GINSENG CORP. has been acknowledged as a well-known trademark in China. It is, in fact, really difficult for a trademark to be acknowledged as a well-known trademark in China as iPhone has failed in obtaining a well-known trademark status in China proves. Under the circumstances, an example of ”正官庄” obtaining such status in China is quite noteworthy.
“Well-known trademark” is a special status to protect famous trademarks by law. If acknowledged as a well-known trademark in China, registering or using of the trademark by other parties can be prohibited not only for the similar goods/services to those of the well-known trademark, but also for irrelevant goods/services. As a trademark should be broadly known to the Chinese public with high reputation and credit to be acknowledged as a well-known trademark, a brand fame of 正官庄 has been confirmed by having been acknowledged as a well-known trademark. Being a well-known trademark, it becomes more feasible to restrain use of the mark on its counterfeits.
China is a country that Korean corporations have applied to register their brands the most while infringement of brand also occurs the most. We look forward to witnessing more and more Korean brands are acknowledged as well-known trademarks in China and build their business in China under stable circumstances in the future.

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