How to Deal with Trademark Disputes in Taiwan?
Aug 2018
Taiwan is well-known to people as “Treasure Islands” (“寶島”). Many foreign-funded enterprises want to take the lead in Taiwan and enjoy the benefits brought by its developments. People often say “the Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong”, hence after developing business vigorously in Taiwan, there is a considerable advantage for an enterprise to develop in other territories.
However, after deciding to enter the Taiwan market, you might find that your own trademark was preempted in Taiwan. Then how to deal with the situation at this time is a very important thing.
We could think from different perspectives to figure out why our trademarks will be preempted. For example, is it because the previous sales sold to Taiwan leading the downstream manufacturers to think that the trademark registration is profitable, hence they applied for it without our consent? Could we still have a method to obtain the trade mark right if encountering such condition?
We can retrieve the trademark rights by raising the relevant procedures to the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office. Taking the preemptive trademark registration by downstream manufacturers as an example, we could provide a considerable amount of evidence to prove that we have business relationships with each other and we are the true owners to retrieve the trademark rights.
When encountering trademark disputes, the most important thing is not being self-defeating. We recommend you to go seek professional agents, consult professional opinions for how to tackle different potential scenarios comprehensively while encountering trademark disputes. A strategy concerning trademark should be devised, to prevent others people from infringing your trademark right during your business expansions in Taiwan.
Obtaining trademark rights is of paramount importance. You are recommended to entrust professional agents in helping you to obtain trademark rights and protect them by improving measures. As such, you could expand your business from Taiwan as the base to other areas, without any worries. Please contact us for more information as to the actual operations and more assistance as well as professional advice.

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BKIP Limited

(852) 3157 0065