Famous trademark identification
Sep 2018
When your business reach certain stage, you may start to think about guaranteeing more protection for your brand, company, image and services. At this time, apart from existing trademark protection, we can also opt for some extra rights – famous trademark identification.
Famous trademark can mean more than the trademark being widely recognized. There is a broader scope of protection than general trademark, that the right is not restricted by categories.
Take the world-renowned beverage brand "Coca-Cola" as an example. If you think of carbonated drinks, "Coca-Cola" pops up immediately, of course. But what if someone registers the same “Coca-Cola” trademark in other categories unrelated to beverages, say "Coca-Cola" baby bottles, or Coca-Cola weeders? At this time, Coca-Cola can claim that “Coca-Cola” is a famous trademark, and that no one can obtain its trademark rights in any other category.
Therefore, the protection scope of famous trademarks is more extensive than ordinary trademarks, and has more advantages. However, the acquisition of famous trademarks requires not only the efforts of the applicant. A complete trademark layout is also required to facilitate successful application of well-known trademarks and to obtain the above-mentioned broader protection scope.
Thus, it is very important to choose a right and professional agent. A good agent can review the specifications, layout, and application procedures for the application and obtain the famous trademark identification more smoothly.
Therefore, please feel free to approach us for enquiry on steps to obtain a famous trademark identification, or any practical concerns. We can give you the most professional assistance and ease all your worries or concern while your business is booming.

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