Why did the Intellectual Property Office say that my trademark cannot be registered in Taiwan?

May 2019
Some customers may encounter a frustrating problem when they apply for trademarks on their own, that is, the notification by the Intellectual Property Office that they are not allowed to register the trademarks. However, what are the reasons for issuing such a notice?
The high public awareness for protection of intellectual property rights creates an illusion that trademark application is a simple and easy process. However, there are certain requirements that trademarks need to observe before they are registered. The most common reasons for rejection of registration include: the subject containg descriptive words that jeopardize good customs and morals and explain their goods, slogans, etc.
However, even if you avoid the above reasons for rejection, there are still some special examples, such as the inappropriate claims. These words may cause confusion among general consumers or cause consumers to believe that they have medical effects. So, words like “ensuring thinness”, “anti-falling of hair”, and “whiteness guaranteed” cannot be registered.
These words may be very familiar to you and appear everywhere in your daily life. They are inappropriate words, with the possibility of exaggeration and misrepresentation. They may cause harm to consumers if they believe in the representation. Therefore, they are banned from registration.
From the above, you can see that although the trademark application process seems flexible and easy, there are still a lot of mystery and things that require attention. Therefore, it is very important to have a professional agent to consult.
The conditions and reasons for not being registered mentioned above are only the tip of the iceberg. Professional knowledge and accumulation of hands-on experiences are necessary to find out the problems. In view of this, we provide our clients with professional advice and application strategy to cope with reasons for not registering, to help them obtain a certificate for the first application, and get their intellectual property protected as soon as possible.

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