Example from Budweiser regarding the trademark application.

Sep 2019
The recent of news in Taiwan is that “Budweiser” has filed the trademark applications for “the official beer of esports,” “the official beer of gaming,” and “the official beer of gamers.” In order to have the protections in eSports industry.
Throughout this news, we could realize the importance of the trademark even the famous beer brand has their concern so that they would have their right get well-protected.
However, the words may contain the so-called common which may be considered as descriptive while filing the trademark applications in the coincide or related class which might be rejected by IP office.
In order to refrain from this situation above, we could understand the importance of the protection about trademark and how to file the trademark applications properly to avoid the necessities.
It is easier said than done while filing the trademark applications, but having the “trademark right” that do matter; therefore, if you are planning to be in part of new industry such as Budweiser or you have already in the progress of such industry, it is recommended to seek the professional attorney for help you to avoid the objection and the most important thing---to obtain the trademark right to have the fully protection.

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