Trademark Renewal

Aug 2020
After you have successfully obtained your registered trademark right and started to set up your business, one of the most crucial requirements which deserves your attention is the Trademark Renewal. Trademark Renewal refers to the application for renewing registered trademark before its expiry date. The following are the requirements of Trademark Renewal in Taiwan:
1. Renewal application can be filed 6 months prior to the expiry date at the earliest
2. Renewal fees have to be paid
3. Corresponding application forms have to be properly filled in
4. Amendment can be raised together with the renewal application since the renewal will be valid for a long time (10 years) and no extra fees are needed for the amendment
5. Double renewal fees have to be paid if the renewal application is filed within 6 months after the expiry date in order to maintain the trademark right
Trademark Renewal is, in fact, not a difficult issue. Yet, the trademark right may extinguish since lots of uncertainties may happen over 10 years and trademark owner may have already forgotten the necessity of filing renewal application after 10 years. This may also be caused by the Intellectual Property Office’s failure to deliver the renewal reminder due to the change of application address.
Although trademark right can be re-obtained through filing a new application if it has been lost due to the above reasons, your application may be rejected as it is uncertain whether there may be anyone who covets your carefully-cultivated brand name or a similar trademark registered by a third party. Therefore, paying attention to trademark renewal to avoid suffering loss of benefits is of utmost importance.
As aforementioned, the expiry date for trademark renewal must be clearly recorded. It is a great loss if the trademark right is extinguished due to the late renewal, so management of trademark becomes a very important matter. That being the case, having a professional agent can do you a great favour in managing the trademark. The agent will remind you of the expiry date of trademark and not only inform you on the general issues regarding the ways to conduct trademark renewal, but also on some fine details that worth more attention.

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