Trademark outside the USA

Oct 2020
You have to admit, it would be great to have a global trademark which is effective worldwide. This would mean one application filed for the whole world. Unfortunately, this does not exist. There are alternatives which can adapt this idea.
I. Madrid protocol
The Madrid Protocol is an international treaty of which over 90 countries are members. Their aim is to simplify the international trademark registration process by allowing trademark owners to file one application which can be effective in over 90 countries. In addition, it is much more cost effective compared to filing in 90 individual countries.
II. European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
Registering for a EU trademark registration can be very useful. This allows you to register in up to 27 countries in one application for one fee. The fee includes the government fee. Not all European countries are part of the EU such as the United Kingdom and Norway. They will therefore require an individual registration for their country.
III. Trademark in other countries
Awareness of other countries registration requirements is very useful. Each country has a different trademark process in terms of duration, examination period and publication. For example, if you apply for a trademark in:
• EU
- Duration: 10 years
- Examination: 3 months
- Publication: 4 to 6 months
- Total time approximately: 7 - 10 months
• China
- Duration: 10 years
- Examination: 12 to 18 months
- Publication: 3 months
- Total time approximately: 15 - 22 months
- Duration: 10 years
- Examination: 2 - 3 months
- Publication: 1 month
- Total time approximately: 6 - 12 months
IV. Benefits of trademarking in other countries:
1) Wider protection to prevent others from using an identical/similar trademark
2) Expand your business (achieve better revenue)
3) Expand the reputation of your business
4) Stronger legal protection
Trademarking in other countries is definitely possible. Although there is not a global trademark, with the right help and direction you can protect your business worldwide.

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