About Our Copyright Services

  • Copyright is the rights and privileges confer to the owner of an original work. Copyright subsists in original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works; sound recordings and films; broadcasts and cable programmes; and typographical arrangements of published editions of literary, dramatic and musical works.
  • Copyright subsists automatically once the copyright work is created. There is no need to apply for copyright registration, and there are no formalities such as registration, publication, or examination, nor are fees payable for the protection.
  • That said, in order to protect copyright and combat infringement activities, the company should The "Fast Action Scheme" (the Scheme) is a scheme launched by the Customs and Excise Department with an aim to combat intellectual property rights infringement activities at large-scale exhibitions. Under the Scheme, enterprises holding short-term exhibitions may provide information on brands and copyrights of their products on display to industry organizations of the Scheme in advance for record-keeping. Since October 2006, Customs has joined with the "Hong Kong Brands Protection Alliance" ("HKBPA") to launch the Scheme during exhibitions. Once infringing activities have been detected in the exhibitions, "HKBPA" will send relevant information retrieved from its database to the Customs for verification and follow-up actions. Such notification mechanism is different from the Customs normal reporting for record procedure. When brand or copyright holders formally initiate a report, the Customs can expedite the handling process so as to give a quicker response and take faster enforcement actions against infringing activities, as well as further enhancing the protection of intellectual property rights.
  • We prepare copyright documents in accordance with the requirements of the Fast Action Scheme. Copyright owners can then file the copyright documents with the Hong Kong Brands Protection Alliance. When infringing activities are found in exhibitions, upon complaint, the Enforcement Department will investigate, search or even prosecute the infringers.
  • Documents required for the Fast Action Scheme:-
  • (1) General Form (Member Information)
    (2) Copyright Information
    (3) Authorization Letter for Complaint
    (4) Authorization Letter for Examination
    (5) Affirmations
    (6) Copyright Assignment (if applicable)
    (7) Author Statement
    (8) Copyright Declaration
  • Fee:HK$3,700 (including disbursements HK$200)
  • For more information,please refer to the Booklet “Fast Action Scheme

    Copyright Document Service Fees

    HK$3,700 (including disbursements HK$200)

    公司資料, 地址

    BKIP Limited

    (852) 3157 0065